Watermelon, Cucumber & Feta Summer Salad

The summer heat is out in full effect, so naturally it's time to cool off with some refreshing and mouth watering summer salads!

One of my favourites this season is a Watermelon, Feta & Cucumber Salad with Balsamic Reduction.

This one is a crowd-pleaser and is perfect for entertaining or just to enjoy at any time with dinner or lunch! 

Watermelon and cucumber both have anti-Inflammatory properties and help cool us down, plus watermelon is an excellent source of energizing B-vitamins! 

You will need:
1 small watermelon
1 English cucumber
1 package/bunch fresh basil
Splash of olive oil
1/2 container of feta cheese, strained
Several tablespoons of balsamic reduction
Fresh ground black pepper

Cube watermelon and cut cucumber into quarter chunks. Combine with chopped fresh basil leaves and toss in olive oil. Add crumbled feta cheese. Drizzle your balsamic reduction on top and add fresh ground black pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy! You can even substitute peaches for the watermelon for a different twist! This is a very forgiving recipe, so be sure to have fun with it!

Recipe yields enough for 2-3 people, be sure to increase the quantities if preparing for company!

Bon Appetit from Justin of Pomme Davie!