Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Rumble


As we’re squeezing the most out of the final few weeks of another glorious West Coast summer, we’re excited to talk to Paul Underhill, creator and founder of Rumble Supershakes—the ideal fuel for a busy, active, and/or outdoor life. Rumble is yet another awesome BC business. Based in Victoria, they use the highest quality ingredients to bring high protein, nutrient rich shakes to the whole country. From triathletes training for races, to seniors with advanced nutritional needs, to students running late for class, Rumble shakes are a simple and delicious solution for supporting good health and nutrition across the whole population, and we’re happy to be able to share Paul’s amazing personal story with you.

Rumble Supershake Mini Interview

Share your story with us in a 150 words or less.

I was born with CF, so I had a need for optimal nutrition and struggled to find a tasty, nourishing drink that was all natural and nutritionally balanced.. Nothing at the grocery store came close, so I knew I needed to take action. I worked in the kitchen with the blender with my wife Sandra’s healthy ingredients. On the journey to bring the product to market, my health deteriorated to the point that I required oxygen 24/7, and was ultimately forced to undergo a life-saving double lung transplant. After a few years of hard work and determination from the whole team, we were thrilled to finally make Rumble available for everyone at grocery stores across Canada. Soon after, we successfully pitched to the Dragon’s Den catapulting Rumble into Canada-wide distribution. After some supply chain struggles in 2017/18, we relaunched out revised and improved formation early this year.

Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?

For me, the real moment that I first felt “this is really happening” was when I saw it on the shelf at my local grocery store. It was just surreal and exciting to see it there!


Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why? 

Vanilla Maple by the slightest of margins over our new Fair Trade Organic Coffee Bean!

What motivates you on a day-to-day basis? 

I am motivated on a day to day basis to honour the gift of my donor and his family by living as fully (and lovingly!) as possible.

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in? 

I’ve really feel that the Dallas Rd. waterfront exemplifies everything I love about Victoria. It’s my favourite kiteboarding spot, and every walk, run or bike ride there offers expansive views of the Salish Sea and the mountains beyond.

Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast. 

Ideal Sunday morning involves sleeping in a bit before getting up helping myself to a mug of hot lemon water and doing a 10 minute Chi Gong routine. Following this this, I do a bit of yoga/stretching, and meditation. Breakfast is next, which is often quinoa with roasted hazelnut dried with olive oil and steamed kale on top (quite the contrast from decades of cereal!) Finally, getting outside for a hike with friends is the perfect way to spend a weekend day!

What are your personal top tips for feeling awesome?

Personal tips for feeling awesome? Getting outside as much as possible, eat quality foods and try to have some fun throughout the day - life is too short to be overly serious!

Find Rumble: On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook