Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Two Drunk Witches

Two Drunk Witches

The awesomely named Two Drunk Witches are Brenda and Megan, two very lovely ladies who met in a Vancouver Island herbal apprenticeship program in 2016, and went on to create the natural, botanical skin care company of their (and our!) dreams. Their handcrafted products make beautiful gifts, and their name is also perfect for the holiday season—they describe on their website: "What’s the harm, we asked, in the occasional indulgence? Shouldn’t self-care be about listening to our bodies and minds, and responding with what feels right?  This is the reason we began to cheekily call ourselves the “Two Drunk Witches” – because, we agreed, there’s no shame in enjoying the odd glass of wine!" We're so pleased they were able to answer our Meet the Maker questions, and we know you'll enjoy the read!

Two Drunk Witches Mini Interview

Share your story with us in a 150 words or less.

The two of us met in 2016 as herbal apprenticeship students, but didn’t actually connect until near the end of our program. We started calling ourselves “witches” as soon as we began working together on our final projects because we realized how much we enjoyed creating magic, but it wasn’t until we (quickly!) discovered our mutual love of good wine that “Two Drunk Witches” was officially borne!

How we discovered that mutual love of good wine became the premise for our business: we agreed right away that self-care should be simple, joyful and inclusive as possible. Some days, that means regimented workouts and a perfect eight-hours sleep, and others, it means indulging in a much-needed glass of shiraz! From the start, our vision has been to create products that highlight the amazing therapeutic properties of plant ingredients while reminding us of the importance of not taking things too seriously!

Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?

During the early days, we received a lot of support from family and friends, but it wasn’t until we first saw our products on store shelves in summer 2017 that it really began to sink in! And then we began to receive positive feedback from people we didn’t know personally, and that made it all feel very real! That sense of surreal-ness still hasn’t worn off, mind you – we’re continually in awe when people approach us at events to tell us how much they love our products, and we still get giddy when we see people using or posting about our creations

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Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why? 

It’s difficult to narrow it down to just one, because each product has its own unique benefits. Our water-based Naked Solstice Facial Serum with Vitamin C and Neroli definitely tops the list because it’s lightweight and versatile, and delivers such a potent punch of anti-oxidants to the skin. Our Colony of Hippies Calming Spray is also a staple in both our households for its ability to calm the mind (and antsy kids!) and create a sense of ritual when it comes to practicing yoga at home or just needing to decompress.

What motivates you on a day-to-day basis? 

We love doing what we do because it fuels our creativity and gives us a chance to work with ingredients we love and want to make accessible for others. But mostly, it’s the people who tell us how much of a positive difference our creations have had for them – people who say, “My skin has honestly never looked or felt better!” We once had a woman tell us how our Colony of Hippies Calming Spray helped her navigate a really difficult time in her life, and that was extremely special for us. It’s the stories we hear from the people who use our products that truly inspire us to keep at it.

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in? 

We’re so blessed here on Vancouver Island to be surrounded by such an abundance of nature – it’s deeply replenishing for the mind and spirit to have the ability to experience nature so readily. Nature is the best and most accessible self-care there is.

Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast. 

An ideal Sunday morning entails waking up without an alarm, and enjoying a rich cup of coffee without having anywhere to be! A breakfast omelette with veggies and a side of avocado is never a bad way to start the day and fuel up for a hike outside!

What are your personal top three tips for feeling awesome?

Drink plenty of water, spend as much time in nature as possible and remember not to take things too seriously!

Find Drunk Witches: On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook