Keeping it Natural For The Holidays

'Tis the season to celebrate! And celebration is an important part of life, but making conscious choices to incorporate simple, natural elements into your holiday plans, from treats to decorations, can go a long way towards keeping things balanced for both you and the planet.

One of the easiest ways to create beautiful ambiance at home is to think about light, and nothing beats the magic of a real flame. While we can't cover our trees in candles anymore, having extra candles around at this time of year can be really calming. That said, it's important to think about what kind of candles you're using. Chemically scented candles—and even unscented industrially produced candles—do release toxins. Paraffin is derived from petroleum, and chemical perfumes can aggravate allergies. Beeswax candles, on the other hand, can actually help purify the air in your home, and have a mild but amazing scent. You can also look for candles that are soy based, hemp oil based, coconut oil based... there are lots of options!

It's also really worth spending time on some plant-based, DIY decorations instead of buying more cute but mass-produced holiday accents. This can be super cost-effective and it can also have the added benefit of bringing people together, because many hands make light work—and beautiful decorations! Popcorn and cranberry strings, and dried citrus slices are so simple to make, and are beautiful on trees, mantles, windows and doorways. And obviously don't forget the greens! If you can't grab some from your back yard, remember to check tree lots and florists for their evergreen offerings that can be crafted into garlands, swags, wreaths and centrepieces. And did you know that most commercially produced wrapping paper isn’t recyclable, and shouldn’t be burned?? Luckily, simple brown paper (tied up with string!) has a really beautiful aesthetic. And decorating brown paper with non-toxic markers or inks is another project that is simple and tons of fun to do with friends and/or kids.

And, of course, there are the treats. At this time of year, even those of us who are super committed to special diets or to general clean eating can feel the temptation to 'branch out' a little. Sometimes the most helpful way to approach this can be to focus not on what you shouldn't be eating, but on what you can add to your snacks and diet overall, to make sure you're still getting good nutrition in with all the indulgences. This can be as easy as putting bowls of nuts for easy-to-reach protein in among the plates of squares and cookies. And don't forget how lovely mandarins and pomegranates both look and taste! Fruits can satisfy a sweet tooth while also offering an array of vitamins and minerals. For the same reason, try and remember to use honey rather than processed sugar to sweeten hot seasonal drinks. You can even go so far as adding some coconut oil and/or, say, medicinal mushrooms, into your hot cocoa to add some plant-based fats and general immune support to your liquid treat!

However you celebrate, we wish you all the best in health and happiness for the season.