Embracing a Simplified Holiday Season

The holidays are a time when we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of buying gifts, attending parties, and hosting family and friends. This can leave us feeling rushed, stressed, and burnt out by the time the New Year rolls around. But what if there was a way to approach the holidays that was more low-key and allowed us to focus on what really matters?

Enter the minimalist holiday. By taking a simplified approach to the holidays, we can slow down and savor the things that are truly important: quality time with loved ones, good food, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Here are some tips for keeping things simple and relatively stress-free this holiday season:

Embrace the power of less is more 

When it comes to gift giving, try to focus on quality over quantity. A few well-chosen gifts will mean more to your loved ones than a pile of stuff they might not need or want. Of course gifts don’t always need to be something you hold in your hand. Gifts of experiences, such as tickets to a local attraction or event, can be exciting to look forward to. And when it comes to decorating, less is definitely more. A few tasteful holiday decorations, strings of lights, and candles will make your home feel festive without being overwhelming.

As for your social commitments, allow yourself to decline some invitations if your schedule is feeling too tight. Making plans to catch up with people in the new year will not only help make your December schedule more spacious, it will give you some social highlights to look forward to in the coming weeks.

Make time for what matters most

The holidays are a great time to connect with loved ones near and far. If you're hosting relatives or friends, plan ahead and do some prep in advance so you can maximize your time together. Or, plan some tasks to delegate so you can keep them occupied!:)

When planning for the holidays, be sure to schedule some downtime for yourself at regular intervals. Whether it's taking a walk in nature or spending an hour curled up with a good book and a comfy blanket, taking some time out for yourself will help you recharge and be your best self during this busy season. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better able to handle everything else that comes your way.

Bring the outdoors in

One of the best things about winter is being able to cozy up indoors while still enjoying the beauty of nature. Decorating with pinecones, evergreens, and holly are simple touches that will bring the grounding presence of the outdoors into your home. And there's nothing like a crackling fire in the fireplace to set the mood for a cozy night in!

By keeping things simple and focusing on what really matters—time with loved ones and enjoying nature—you can make this season one to remember for all the right reasons. So slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy all that the holiday season has to offer.

Here's wishing you all a joyful (and simple!) holiday season!