Earth Day: 10 Daily Things You Can Do

April 22 is Earth Day. We can always find new ways to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. That may seem kind of daunting but the good news is, things that are good for the planet can so often quickly improve our lives, too—from organically grown nutrient-packed produce, to planting flowers that bees love even more than we do, to the exercise we get from cycling and walking to where we need to go. We put together a list of 10 simple, daily things you can do to help support the Earth.

10 Things you can do at home to honour the planet...every day!

1. Grow! Plant Wildflowers and Native Plants. Wildflowers and native plants are not only attractive, but they also attract helpful insects that help with pest management and pollination. And did you know that eggshells are a perfect safe & semi-porous little cup for growing your seedlings! (You can even crush the bottom and transplant the whole thing into the garden when they’re ready!)

2. Repurpose old clothes and household items: donate and buy second-hand—the thrift stores are troves of fashion & function!

3. Conduct a treasure hunt in your home! Need Easter decorations or crafting supplies? You’d be surprised by what your recycling bin or your ‘junk drawer’ will yield!

4. Fight climate change with diet change! Be mindful of where your food comes from and look up how much energy is used to produce it. Simple dietary changes can have an enormous impact on the planet.

5. Reuse food waste: Do your best to keep on top of the leftovers in your fridge! If you’re feeling like it’s time for a snack, remember to check what’s in your tupperware containers before exploring what’s in your cupboards. And there have never been more great options for reusable lunchboxes, bags, and food wraps to help you extend last night’s dinner into today’s yummy lunch!

6. Participate in an Earth Month event: has a lot of information about Earth Day events happening throughout Canada.

7. Meal prep to reduce food waste: simply planning your meals in advance can vastly save on the amount of food you buy (and potentially waste)

8. Inspire curiosity by becoming a citizen scientist: download the Global Earth Challenge app and start contributing to a global database of knowledge that can help us understand how our world works, and how we can protect it.

9. Learn more! Watch a documentary or research online about environmental topics that interest you.

10. Walk or bike to your destination: Spring is here and fine weather is increasingly on our side. How much of the natural environment do you miss when you’re zooming past it in a car! Tap into your childhood wonder at the blooming of new flowers…the slow parade of ants…clouds shaped like safari animals! Not only is this good for the environment, it’s good for our stress levels too!!