Meet the Makers Mini Interview: Your Green Kitchen

Your Green Kitchen Mini Interview

This month’s Meet the Makers interview is with Rouvé Hembling, the founder of Your Green Kitchen, the eco-friendly company that helps you transition to using less plastic in your kitchen and home with reusable, organic cotton fabric bowl covers, tea towels, produce bags, tote bags and more—all while enjoying the beauty of nature-themed local artwork. 

Rouve was seeking a way to be environmentally conscious by reducing plastic waste in her kitchen, while also finding work that would allow her to be at home with her young children. So she taught herself how to screenprint by watching YouTube videos and then created her first fabric bowl covers with original prints. It’s no surprise that these were a hit at local fairs and markets in the Nakusp, BC area where she lives, and from there, Your Green Kitchen has continued to grow and now employs several seamstresses and an extra screen printer to keep up with demand.

Most of the stunning artwork is created by Nelson, BC artist, Jamie MacGibbon, with a few pieces created by other artists from around the world. Let’s hear more from Rouvé.

Share your story with us in 150 words or less

I’m Rouve, the maker, owner and dreamer behind Your Green Kitchen. I live in a very small town in the Kootenays Called Nakusp (about 1,500 people). I was looking for ways to make some money but still be home with my two kids.

I taught myself to screenprint from watching YouTube video tutorials and started making fabric bowl covers with a cute print on them to replace plastic cling wrap. I started selling them at local markets and fairs and they quickly became very popular. Soon I needed help to sew and print and today we employ seven local seamstresses and an extra screenprinter.

Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?

It really started to sink in that it was happening when my products got picked up by a company in Norway and in the USA. We still ship 2,000 bowl covers to them every 6 weeks! 

Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?

I love a tote bag!!! So all the tote bags are my personal favourites!

What motivates you on a day-to-day basis?

I’m motivated by the need for good quality environmentally friendly products that can be reused hundreds of times and that cut down on plastic waste.

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in?

I love the beautiful nature in Nakusp. Here you can hike, bike, ski, swim and relax.

Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast.

Mmmm . . .  I love some bacon and eggs on the weekends, and what I love the most on the weekends is that my husband makes the breakfast!

What are your personal top three tips for feeling amazing?

  1. Find a good hobby—something you can do that is rewarding but not work! I love riding my bike and I LOVE knitting. 

  2. Sleep a lot! 

  3. Read a good story! It can sometimes be a holiday not being in your own head!

    Your Green Kitchen:
    On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook