Berry Bliss: A Guide to Getting the Most out of Berry Season

Nestled throughout the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island lies a mesmerizing tapestry of nature's jewels: plump, juicy berries. From succulent strawberries to luscious blueberries, vibrant raspberries, and sumptuous blackberries, these delectable fruits embody the essence of summer. Not only are they a taste sensation, they’re also bursting with antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamin C. Plus, they’re fiber rich, and—despite their natural sweetness—berries have a relatively low glycemic index, meaning they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels compared to other fruit.

The sheer abundance of berries in this region is a cause for celebration, but their fleeting nature requires us to employ some clever techniques to ensure they don't go to waste. So let’s explore various methods to keep berries fresher for longer, along with some ideas for different ways to enjoy them, both of which will allow you to savour their exquisite flavors and prevent their premature demise.

Keep Them Cool:
Berries are highly perishable and sensitive to heat. To maintain their freshness, store them away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Avoid leaving them in a warm car or on a sunlit countertop. Instead, place them in a cool spot, preferably in the refrigerator, until you're ready to enjoy their juicy goodness.

Proper Storage: To extend the shelf life of berries, it's crucial to handle them with care. After bringing them home, remove any spoiled or damaged berries, as they can accelerate the ripening process. Store the remaining berries unwashed in a shallow container lined with paper towels (or a reusable cloth that you don’t mind getting stained) to absorb excess moisture. Place the container in the refrigerator's crisper drawer, which offers a slightly higher humidity level suitable for berries.

Rinse Just Before Consumption: While it may be tempting to wash berries immediately after purchase, doing so can lead to faster deterioration. Instead, wait until you're ready to enjoy them before rinsing them under cool water. This prevents the berries from absorbing excess moisture and becoming mushy. 

Embrace the Power of Vinegar: To give berries a more thorough cleansing than water alone, try a vinegar rinse. Create a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts water. Submerge the berries in the mixture for a few minutes, gently swishing them around. The vinegar's natural acidity helps kill bacteria and mold spores that contribute to spoilage. Rinse the berries under cool water, and they’re ready to enjoy.

Harness the Power of Lemon Juice: If you want to extend the life of berries in the fridge, you can take advantage of the natural acidity of lemon juice, which acts as a natural preservative. Before storing them, lightly coat the berries with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This simple technique helps prevent browning and slows down the growth of mold. Allow the berries to dry before refrigerating them. Rinse thoroughly with water before eating.

Freeze for Future Delights: Freezing berries at their peak ensures their quality will be retained for months. Start by washing and thoroughly drying the berries. Arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place it in the freezer. Once frozen, transfer the berries to airtight freezer-safe containers or bags. Labeled and dated, these frozen treasures can be used for smoothies, baked goods, as a topping for yogurt or cereal. They also come in handy as a simple, healthy dessert when you’re craving something sweet. Melt them in your mouth or let them thaw first.

Consider Dehydration: If you have an abundance of berries and want to preserve them for an extended period, consider dehydrating them. This method removes moisture, effectively inhibiting spoilage. Using a dehydrator or oven set to very low heat, carefully dry the berries until they reach a chewy, raisin-like consistency. Once cooled, store the dehydrated berries in airtight containers or jars in a cool, dry place. They can be enjoyed as a healthy snack, added to trail mixes, or used in baking and cooking throughout the year.

Make Berry Jam or Preserves: Transform your abundance of fresh berries into delightful jams or preserves. By cooking the berries with sugar and sometimes lemon juice, you can create a flavourful spread that can be enjoyed long after the summer season. Follow a trusted recipe, sterilize your jars properly, and seal the goodness to be savoured in the months to come.

Make Berry Sauce for Pancakes, French Toast or Crepes: This is a great way to use berries that have lost their firmness or are not fully intact, but are not spoiled. Just cook in a small pot with some sugar, then add a little water and bring to a boil. Simmer and whisk in a pinch of cornstarch to thicken. Remove from heat and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to bring out the flavour. Voila! A beautiful and delicious topping for those decadent weekend breakfasts. The berry sauce can be a replacement for syrup (or go ahead and use both!). Add some fresh berries on top, if you have them, for extra taste and visual appeal.

Bake with Berries: An abundance of berries for a baker is like hitting the jackpot. Blueberry pie, strawberry tarts, blackberry oatmeal muffins . . . is your mouth watering yet? Fresh berries also make an elegant topper for a cake. Place a handful of fresh berries on top, add a mint leaf or two, and you’ll have an Instagrammable masterpiece.

Share the Bounty: If you find yourself with more berries than you can handle, why not share the love? Consider donating the surplus to local food banks or community organizations. Sharing the bounty not only spreads joy but also ensures that these precious fruits are appreciated and enjoyed to the fullest.

Our local berry harvest is a gift worth cherishing. By employing these simple yet effective techniques to keep berries fresher for longer, you can extend the pleasure of indulging in their juicy sweetness. From proper storage to new ways to preserve them for longer, these methods will help you make the most of nature's colourful treasures. So, seize the season, revel in the flavors, and ensure that no berry goes to waste.