Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Save Da Sea

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Save Da Sea Mini Interview

For many people who are transitioning partially or entirely to a plant-based diet, one of the toughest parts can be giving up some of their favourite foods. And for many of us West Coasters, salmon lox is definitely a favourite, whether it's in sushi or bagels, or enjoyed as part of a 'board'. Save Da Sea comes to the rescue for lox lovers with a fabulous take on this classic that's made with just a few simple ingredients like carrots, maple syrup, natural hickory smoke flavour and seaweed. Company founder Aki Kaltenbach, who recently moved from Vancouver to Victoria, found a few moments to answer our Meet The Maker questions to give us all some insight into her progress from 'side hustle' to fully fledged independent business, and into her vision for the future of her company and seafood consumption around the world.

Share your story with us in a 150 words or less.

Save Da Sea is a plant-based seafood company based in Victoria. Our vision is to create a world where 100% of our seafood comes from plants. Our first product to market is a vegan smoked salmon made from carrots with a similar smokiness and texture as salmon lox.

Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?

Save Da Sea was my side hustle/hobby for almost 2 years before I dived into it full-time in mid-2020. One of the moments that made it feel real was when I started paying myself and received my first paycheque from the business.

What motivates you on a day-to-day basis? 

It is a really exciting time to be building a plant-based business. There are so many other companies from B.C. that have done the hard work of proving that eating more plants can not only be good for the environment, but also a profitable business. I want to build a global, plant-based seafood brand, and there couldn't be a better time to do this than right now!

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What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in? 

I'm originally from Vancouver, and moved to Victoria two years ago. What I love the most about it, is how walkable / bike-able it is. My husband and I can both cycle to work and our son's daycare is across the street from our home.

Describe your ideal Sunday, including your breakfast.

On a typical Sunday morning, my husband and I will walk to our local bakery with our 2 year old son to grab fresh bread for brunch. We enjoy making tartine (this is just a fancy way of saying a slice of toasted bread with a sweet or savoury topping) with cream cheese, avocado and Save Da Sea vegan smoked salmon on top. It's super easy and so so delicious.

Find Save Da Sea : On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook