Meet The Makers Mini Interview: Squamish Water Kefir


Squamish Water Kefir Mini Interview

From making personal deliveries on one local block using a little red wagon, to now having distribution throughout Western Canada, Sabrina and Kristin have turned their passion for probiotics into a fabulous and well-loved range of water kefir-based products. Water kefir is a centuries old fermented drink packed full of probiotics and beneficial enzymes. Sabrina and Kristin's creations include Sparkling Water Kefirs and Frozen Probiotic Pops both in a selection of fantastic flavours, and their cult favourite Smoothie Builder that can be used as a base for building your smoothies (just add your other favourite ingredients!) "while strengthening your digestion and immune system with living probiotics and enzymes." We're super happy they found time to chat with us about how it all got started, their daily motivations and breakfast favs, and, as always, some top tips for feeling awesome.

Share your story with us in a 150 words or less.

The first batch of Squamish Water Kefir was brewed in Sabrina’s kitchen while she was studying at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and on a personal quest to cure her intestinal issues. She was quickly amazed by the results she felt, and even more ecstatic about how much her family loved it. Soon Sabrina was delivering to friends and neighbours in a little red wagon with her wee daughter in the back

Getting from an idea to a small business is a lot of work! When did it first sink in for you that ‘this is really happening’?

The defining moment… a text message from a stranger that they had tried Sabrina’s ‘magic potion’…  and she knew she was onto something good. That same week Sabrina sold 60 wine bottles of water kefir from said red wagon in her housing block. She could feel the momentum brewing and quickly recruited her yogi-mama-bear pal Kristin to partner with her.

Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why?

Smoothie Builder, it’s the base of all Squamish Water Kefir products—the Sparkling Water Kefir and Frozen Probiotic Pops.


What motivates you on a day-to-day basis? 

Our consumers! We get stopped in the grocery store and often receive emails from people telling us how much they love our products. Not only for the taste, mostly because they feel better when they drink water kefir, or that it’s shifted them out of a sugary soda habit, or find that they now drink less alcohol and have switched to water kefir.

What’s your favourite thing about the town or city you live in? 

Fresh air, glacier mountain views, refreshing rivers, great community…

Describe your ideal Sunday morning, including your breakfast.

Early start with meditation, a yummy rich dark coffee, and something interesting to read before the rest of the house wakes up. Breakfast includes banana oatmeal pancakes and a smoothie using Squamish Water Kefir Smoothie Builder before getting outside for “Adventure Sundays”

What are your personal top tips for feeling awesome?

Alone time coupled with time spent with friends, hiking, eating, laughing, drinking, good chats. Whole Food, Personal Development and Regular Fitness (mental + physical). 8-hrs of sleep, non-negotiable.

Find Squamish Water Kefir:  On Their Website | On Instagram | On Facebook